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Disable Group Policy - GP-Remover

Disable Group Policy - GP-Remover Disable Group Policy - GP-Remover

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Disable Group Policy - GP-Remover Publisher's Description

* Disable Group Policy - GP-Remover Enables you to temporarily disable Group Policy restrictions from an active user session without the need to interrupt the session's continuity.
* Easily troubleshoot Group Policy-related problems.
* Ideal for Terminal Servers / Citrix environments.
Runs from a central console and removes policy restrictions remotely.
* Enables you to activate the program using Hot Keys rather than exposing the icon to the end-user.
* Allows you to handle calls remotely and simultaneously.
* Added support for Windows Vista and Windows server 2008
* What was known as KillPol has reurned with a new look, name and much more functionality!

What's New in Version of Disable Group Policy - GP-Remover

Console: a. Rewrite of the remote control mechanism to support multiple remote control sessions using RDP Shadow. b. Configuration form for custom remote control settings c. Ability to remote control Console Session (using RDP) d. Improved Performance

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